NAAC - SSR Documents


Metric ID


CR 1


Report and photographs with caption and date of teacher orientation programmes



Report and photographs with caption and date of student induction programmes



Prospectus for the last completed academic year



URL to the page on website where the PLOs and CLOs are listed

CR 2


Relevant documents highlighting the activities to address the differential student needs



Reports with seal and signature of principal



Photographs with captionand date



Documentary evidence in support of the selected response/s



Reports of activities conducted related to recent developments in education with video graphic support, wherever applicable



Documentary evidence in support of the selected response/s



Reports of activities with video graphic support wherever possible



Reports and photographs / videos of the activities



Attendance sheets of the workshops/activities with seal and signature of the Principal



Documentary evidence in support of each selected activity



Samples prepared by students for each indicated assessment tool



Documents showing the different activities for evolving indicated assessment tools



Documentary evidence in support of each response selected



Sample evidence showing the tasks carried out for each of the selected response



Documentary evidence showing the activities carried out for each of the selected response



Report of the events organized



Photographs with caption and date wherever possible



Sample copies for each of selected activities claimed



School-wise internship reports showing student engagement in activities claimed



Wherever the documents are in regional language, provide English translated version



Copy of university regulation on internal evaluation for teacher education



Annual Institutional Plan of action for internal evaluation



Details of provisions for improvement and bi-lingual answering



Documentary evidence for remedial support provided



Any other relevant information

CR 3


Event-wise newspaper clippings / videos / photographs with captions and dates



Report of each outreach activity with seal and signature of the Principal



List of teachers/students benefited by linkage – exchange and research



Report of each linkage along with video/photographs

CR 6


Screen shots of user interfaces of each module



Annual e-governance report



Geo-tagged photographs



Brochures / Reports along with Photographs with date and caption.



List of participants of each programme

CR 7


Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components



Documentary evidence in support of the claim



Geo-tagged photographs



Videos / Geo-tagged photographs related to Green Practices adopted by the institution



Circulars and relevant policy papers for the claims made



Snap shots and documents related to exclusive software packages used for paperless office



Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components



Copy of the Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff of Institution / Affiliating University



Web-Link to the Code of Conduct displayed on the institution’s website



Reports / minutes of the periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code of Conduct



Details of the Monitoring Committee, Professional ethics programmes, if any