
Regulations and syllabus - 2 year B.Ed programme with effect from 2014-15

Regulations and syllabus - 2 year B.Ed programme with effect from 2024-25

Course Objective

Programme and specific programme outcomes Two year B.Ed programme

Programme Educational objectives (PLO)

  • Develop professional competencies
  • Attain harmonious development of their personality
  • Analyses of curriculum and appropriate strategies
  • Develop various life skills needed
  • Inculcate values among teacher student
  • Development of Democratic values
  • Analyze the trends, issues and challenges facing in the cotemporary Education system
  • Development of leadership quality
  • Establish a link between theory and practice

Course – 1 Childhood and Growing Up


At the end of the course the student teachers will be able to

  • acquire the knowledge of Childhood, Adolescence and their development
  • to understand the Multiple childhood and developmental feature of childhood and adolescence under different socio-economic & cultural factors
  • apply the theory of development to understand learners
  • develop skill in measuring behaviour of childhood and adolescence
  • develop interest to know more about the process of Marginalisation of social difference
  • develop a desirable positive attitude towards society stereotype, child law and media of childhood & adolescence
  • appreciate the transitional and critical age of childhood and adolescence.



Course – 2 Contemporary India and Education


At the end of the course the student teachers will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of terms and concepts used in Indian society, communities and groups with focus on government policy frame work socialisation and sociological aims of Education
  • understand Inequality and the importance of equality, stratification, causes of diversity, marginalised society
  • apply the constitutional values related to Education and social diversity
  • develop the skills to respect collective living, resolution of tension peacefully and justly
  • develop interest on language policies, multilingual education to understand contemporary India and education
  • develop the attitude towards plebianisation, liberalisation, privatisation and stratification in Education from global point of view.


Course – 3 Learning and Teaching


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • Understand the concept of learning and its importance for human excellence
  • Apply the learning theories in their teaching
  • Understand the processes that facilitate construction of knowledge
  • Create facilitative learning environments in schools
  • Understand the concept and different levels of teaching
  • Adopt different teaching strategies
  • Understand the models of teaching
  • Adopt ICT tools for facilitating teaching and learning
  • Adopt innovative practices of teaching and learning
  • Understand teaching as a profession.


Course – 4 Gender, School and Society (½)


At the end of the course the student teachers will be able to

  • acquire knowledge on Terms and concepts Gender, school and society.
  • understand the challenges faced by the Gendered roles in society through a variety of institutions.
  • apply the knowledge to critically analyse the gendered roles, relationships and ideas in textbooks and curricular to nurture or challenging gender disparity of gender inequalities prevailing in the society.
  • develop the life skills courses in schools and to deal with some issues of gender identity roles.
  • develop interest in studying gendered roles, relationships and ideas in textbooks and curricular.
  • develop a positive attitude towards roles and institutions in society.




Course – 5 Language across the Curriculum (½)


At the end of the course the student teachers will be able to

  • acquire knowledge about language and literacy and principles of language teaching.
  • understand the importance of language and literacy background of the learners with reference to spelling and vocabulary development
  • apply the acquired knowledge in methods and approaches of teaching language.
  • develop skills in reading and writing which pave the way to attain optimal learning of the subject areas.
  • develop interest towards language learning from language diversity and multilingualism point of view.
  • develop a positive attitude towards language to realise that learning and teaching cannot take place in a language free environment.


Course – 6 Knowledge & Curriculum (½)


At the end of the course the student teachers will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of terms and concepts of curriculum and epistemology used in the field of education.
  • understand the types and process of curriculum, importance of social and epistemological basis of education
  • apply the appropriate strategies for curriculum transaction and curriculum development
  • develop the skills to use the concepts, practices and roles play in curriculum evaluation with the aims of education
  • develop the skills on critically analysis of various samples of textbooks, children’s literature, and teachers’ handbooks
  • develop interest on go through discovery of various philosophers
  • develop the attitude towards concepts of nationalism, universalism and secularism and their interrelationship with education


Course – 7(ii) Pedagogy of English I – Part 1


At the end of the course the student teachers will be able to

  • understand the aims & objectives of teaching English
  • enable the student teachers to acquire knowledge of the sound systems of English and to familiarize them with the appropriate terminology to describe the sounds in English.
  • acquire an understanding of the nature and structure of English language and components skills
  • enable the student teachers to understand the connections of English speech and to acquire good pronunciation and fluency of speech.
  • develop skills for effective teaching—micro teaching.
  • understand the importance of using‐English in global context
  • get familiarized with the various aspects of the B.Ed programme with special reference to the nature of the language skills to be developed and evaluation
  • familiarize student teachers with the text book contents related to high school and Higher Secondary classes.
  • help student teachers acquire a working knowledge of the grammatical terminology and the grammatical system in English.
  • acquaint with the planning of instruction.
  • develop in the student teachers the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind.
  • develop an insight into the symbiotic relationship between curriculum syllabus and textbooks
  • Get familiarized with the IT sources / packages that are helpful in teaching English


Pedagogy of Malayalam I – Part 1



At the end of the course the student teachers will be able to

  • enable the student teachers to acquire knowledge of the sound systems of Malayalam and to familiarize them with the appropriate terminology to describe the sounds in Malayalam.
  • enable the student teachers to understand correct Malayalam usage and to acquire good pronunciation and fluency of speech.
  • familiarize student teachers with the school syllabuses related to high school classes.
  • help student teachers acquire a working knowledge of the grammatical terminology and the grammatical system in Malayalam.
  • develop in the student teachers the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind.
  • realize the significance of teaching Communicative Malayalam.
  • develop their skill in curriculum transaction.
  • develop a thorough understanding of the conceptual background of Malayalam.
  • improve the understanding of the principles of curriculum construction and organization in Malayalam language.


Course – 7(vii) Pedagogy of Mathematics – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • appreciate the nature, structure, scope of Mathematics and its relation with other disciplines.
  • acquire knowledge of the nature and development of Mathematics
  • understand the aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics
  • prepare unit plan and activities oriented Lesson plans for effective classroom communications.
  • prepare the prospective Mathematics teachers as facilitators for effective teaching and learning of Mathematics.
  • apply different methods and techniques of teaching of Mathematics and to employ them proficiently in the classroom
  • develop the positive attitude among the student in teaching Mathematics
  • appreciate the role of Mathematics in day-to-day life
  • stimulate curiosity, creativity and inventiveness in Mathematics


Course – 7(viii) Pedagogy of Physical Science – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of nature, values and modern approaches in physical science teaching.
  • understand learning objectives and curriculum approaches in physical science teaching.
  • apply acquired knowledge of various methods and technique in teaching physical science.
  • develop skill in adopting various approaches of learning in physical science teaching.
  • develop interest in participating the practice teaching.
  • develop desirable positive attitude towards contribution of eminent scientist for development of physics and chemistry.
  • acquire hands-on experience in designing and developing suitable learning aids for classroom instruction.


Course – 7(ix) Pedagogy of Biological Science – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • Understand the nature of science and aims and objectives of teaching Biological Science.
  • understand the microteaching skills
  • Acquiring skills related in planning the lessons and presenting them effectively.
  • Develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the various methods and techniques of teaching Biological Science.
  • Understand the criteria in selecting a good textbook and to evaluate Science textbook.
  • Understand the techniques of evaluating Science teaching and to construct an achievement test to assess the learning outcomes of pupils.
  • Estimate the facilities required for the organization and maintenance of Science laboratory.
  • Understand the special qualities of a Science teacher and to acquire those qualities.
  • Understand the basic concepts in science for science teaching.
  • Acquire a favourable scientific temper towards science teaching and values.
  • Develops favourable positive attitude towards research on science teaching.


Course – 7(x) Pedagogy of Social Science – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire basic knowledge and skills to analyze and transact the Social Science curriculum effectively following wide-ranging teaching
  • acquire a conceptual understanding on the process of teaching and learning Social Science
  • sensitize and equip student teachers to handle social issues and concerns in a responsible manner.
  • Develop ability for critical and logical thinking and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in unfamiliar situations
  • Acquaint with different methods, approaches and techniques of teaching social science
  • Develop ability to design different evaluation tools
  • Develop practical skills for analyzing socio-economic, political and physical phenomena


Course – 7(xiii) Pedagogy of Commerce I – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of the terms and concepts used in Commerce and Accountancy
  • understand principles of Curriculum and commerce education;
  • apply the knowledge in teaching higher secondary Commerce and Accountancy;
  • develop skills in preparing commerce curriculum,
  • develop interests in learning recent developments in Commerce and Accountancy, and
  • develop a desirable positive attitude towards the teaching of Commerce and Accountancy.


Course – 8(ii) Pedagogy of English II – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • develop English Language teaching competency.
  • understand and appreciate the importance of English.
  • have a critical study of learning English as a second language in the multilingual Indian Society.
  • understand the role of English in India and to improve English Language attainment.
  • produce the different methods, techniques and strategies of ELT.
  • Prepare and use appropriate teaching aids to make teaching more effective.
  • develop the various micro skills to teach English language.
  • acquire the skill of preparing lesson plans to teach English.


Course – 8(iv) Pedagogy of Malayalam II – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • develop positive attitude towards mother tongue (Malayalam), the rich and vivid culture of Kerala, Arts of Kerala and Folklore etc.
  • develop the five basic skills such as reception, expression, creative ability, aesthetic sense and productivity.
  • develop linguistic abilities – vocabulary sentence pattern, proverbs, idioms, grammatical structure etc.
  • develop an insight into the historical and contemporary relationship with other Dravidian languages, Indo-Aryan languages.
  • acquaint the trainee with advanced development in the theory relating to the teaching of mother tongue.
  • acquaint the trainee with some of modern methods, techniques, procedures in teaching mother tongue.
  • help the student to improve his professional competency and consciousness as a language teacher.
  • acquaint the trainee with the use of different teaching aids, materials and media used in language teaching.
  • develop computer skill in curriculum transaction.


Course – 8(ix) Pedagogy of Commerce II – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of the terms and concepts used in various methods and techniques of teaching Commerce and Accountancy;
  • understand the different types of teaching and learning methods, and technology in and of Education to teach Commerce and Accountancy;
  • apply the knowledge in analyzing, selecting and adopting the suitable methods, techniques and aids for the purpose of teaching Commerce and Accountancy;
  • develop skills in using the suitable techniques in teaching and testing ;
  • develop interests in knowing the recent development in the teaching methodology, and technological developments in Commerce and Accountancy , and
  • develop a desirable positive attitude towards the innovations in Commerce and Accountancy.


Course – 11 d. Yoga, Health & Physical Education – Part 1


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire the knowledge of Yoga, exercise, health & fitness
  • understand the nature and structure of human bodies, injuries during emergencies and to provide first aid.
  • apply discipline, rules and regulations to organize sports and games in schools.
  • develop skills in organizing the physical education, health and yoga programmes in schools.
  • develop interest in yoga, physical and health education,
  • develop positive attitude towards the participation in yoga and health activities.


Course – 14 EPC3: Critical Understanding of ICT (½)


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge about information and communication technology with its educational aims and principles
  • understand effective uses of ICT in teaching- learning, administrative and academic support systems
  • apply ICT knowledge in build the ‘digital public’ and explore software for ICT Integration and Evaluation Procedures
  • develop skill in creating ‘learning and teaching resources’ based on ICT
  • create interest in ICT Integration with Pedagogy practices
  • understand the social, economic, security and ethical issues associated with the use of ICT
  • acquire the skill of maintaining the computer system and the skill of trouble shooting with the help of Anti-Virus and Other tools.
  • elucidate the application of ICT for Teaching Learning
  • develop various skills to use computer technology for sharing the information and ideas through the Blogs and Chatting groups


Course – 12 EPC1: Reading and Reflecting on Texts (½)


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • Understand the meaning, process, importance and characteristics of reading.
  • Understand and apply different levels, types, techniques and methods of reading.
  • Acquaint with the skills of reading different types of texts.
  • Develop different types of reading skills through various activities and met cognition
  • Learn the skills of reading comprehension and to enhance vocabulary.
  • Acquaint with the problems of reading across curriculum


Course – 13 EPC2: Drama and Art in Education (½)


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • Understand the use of ‘Drama’ as a Pedagogy.
  • Use ‘Role play’ technique in the teaching learning process.
  • Understand the importance of dramatic way of presentation.
  • Integrate singing method in teaching learning process.
  • Understand various ‘Dance forms’ and their integration in educational practices.
  • Use art of drawing and painting in teaching learning process.
  • Develop creativity through different creative art forms.
  • Understand the efficacy of different art forms in education.


Course – 14 EPC3: Critical Understanding of ICT (½)


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge about information and communication technology with its educational aims and principles
  • understand effective uses of ICT in teaching- learning, administrative and academic support systems
  • apply ICT knowledge in build the ‘digital public’ and explore software for ICT Integration and Evaluation Procedures
  • develop skill in creating ‘learning and teaching resources’ based on ICT
  • create interest in ICT Integration with Pedagogy practices
  • understand the social, economic, security and ethical issues associated with the use of ICT
  • acquire the skill of maintaining the computer system and the skill of trouble shooting with the help of Anti-Virus and Other tools.
  • elucidate the application of ICT for Teaching Learning
  • develop various skills to use computer technology for sharing the information and ideas through the Blogs and Chatting groups


Second Year

Course – 15 School Management


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • Understand the basic concepts of school management.
  • Understand different components of school management
  • Realize the multifaceted role of teacher/head teacher.
  • Sensitize the student teachers about the concept of child rights in the process of School Management.
  • Explain the factors contributing to the success of supervision and to acquaint with the modern trends in Supervision and Inspection.
  • Discuss the present examination system and suggest some innovations


Course – 16 Creating an Inclusive School (½)


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of terms and concepts used in disability and inclusion
  • understand integrate education and the importance of inclusive school for disabilities and assessment methods
  • apply the policies and practices related to special education and Service programme for the disabled
  • develop the skills a dynamic approach of pupil diversity and opportunities for enriching learning among the disability child
  • develop interest on support and active participation of all in the field of inclusive education
  • develop the attitude towards students to interrogate their own beliefs and also of school teacher from social point of view.




Course – 17 Assessment for Learning


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire basic concepts in assessment and evaluation.
  • develop the awareness about different areas of assessment.
  • discriminate different perspectives in assessment.
  • develop understanding about the meaning and the process of CCE
  • know different techniques of evaluation, tools of evaluation and their uses.
  • know different characteristics of instruments of evaluation.
  • discriminate teacher made test vs standardized tests in assessment
  • prepare, administer and interpret of results of tests and different evaluation techniques
  • compute simple statistics to assess the learning.
  • develop awareness about use of technology in assessment and evaluation.



Course – 18(ii) Pedagogy of English I – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of current trends in teaching of English
  • acquaint with the techniques of oral presentation and practice of language items.
  • understand the structure of English language and components skills
  • improve proficiency level in using‐English for utilitarian purposes
  • familiarize student teachers with the text book contents related to high school and Higher Secondary classes.
  • acquire good pronunciation and fluency of speech
  • help student teachers acquire a working knowledge of the grammatical terminology and the grammatical system in English.
  • develop the writing skill of the trainees.
  • analyze the units of English text book of 8 & 9th standard.
  • acquaint with the preparation of various learning aids in English.


Course – 18(iv) Pedagogy of Malayalam I – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able

  • To understand the aims and objectives of teaching Malayalam
  • To develop fluency and discourse oriented presentation
  • To get acquainted with the student, learning process and acquire practical experience in creating conducive environment for effective learning
  • To contribute to enrich Malayalam Literature.
  • To understand Functional Malayalam
  • To get acquainted with Planning of Instruction based on theories of Learning.
  • To get acquainted with instruction based on Linguistics poetics, vocabulary, grammar and composition.
  • To understand the principles of organizing curriculum
  • To understand the techniques of using text books, Teachers hand books and other relevant materials for transacting language curriculum.


Course – 18(vii) Pedagogy of Mathematics – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire the knowledge of competence in teaching Mathematics
  • develop clear perception of the Secondary School Mathematics.
  • develop awareness of recent trends and principles of construction of Mathematics curriculum.
  • know the importance of computers in teaching and learning of Mathematics
  • understand the various psychological aspects involved in teaching Mathematics
  • know the importance of aesthetic and recreational Mathematics
  • develop an understanding of resources of teaching and learning Mathematics.
  • help the student teacher for the professional self-development
  • enable the student teachers to identify gifted and slow learners in Mathematics and to meet the requirements.
  • stimulate to pose and solve meaningful problems and creativity in Mathematics.
  • develop insight into individual differences in learning Mathematics to cater to the needs and requirements of students.
  • develop skills in construction of appropriate assessment tools for evaluating Mathematics learning


Course – 18(viii) Pedagogy of Physical Science – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge about the term and concepts used in teaching physical science.
  • understand nature of the learner and classroom situation.
  • apply the knowledge in constructing test and developing ICT resource in teaching physical science.
  • enhance skill in organizing and maintaining of physical science laboratory.
  • create interest in organizing science related activities.
  • develop a desirable positive attitude towards science teaching.



Course – 18(ix) Pedagogy of Biological Science – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teachers will be able to

  • acquire knowledge about Individual learning strategies
  • understand approaches of learning Biological science.
  • apply the knowledge in constructing test and developing ICT resource and professional development in teaching Biological science.
  • develop skill in practical work and organizing and maintaining of biological science laboratory.
  • develop interest in using teaching resources and research in science education.
  • develop a desirable positive attitude towards. tools and techniques of assessment of learning biological science


Course – 18(x) Pedagogy of Social Science – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire basic knowledge and skills to analyse and transact the Social Science curriculum effectively following wide-ranging teaching
  • acquire a conceptual understanding on the process of teaching and learning Social Science
  • sensitise and equip student teachers to handle social issues and concerns in a responsible manner.
  • Develop ability for critical and logical thinking and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in unfamiliar situations
  • Acquaint with different methods, approaches and techniques of teaching social science
  • Develop ability to design different evaluation tools
  • Develop practical skills for analysing socio-economic, political and physical phenomena






Course – 18(xiii) Pedagogy of Commerce I – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of the terms and concepts used in the professionalization teaching Commerce and Accountancy;
  • understand the different techniques and technology for the development of Commerce teachers;
  • apply the knowledge in adopting the suitable methods, techniques and aids for the purpose of teaching different learners;
  • develop skills in preparing the suitable techniques to adopt constructivism;
  • develop interests in the recent development to achieve self -development, and
  • develop a desirable positive attitude towards self, students and teaching


Course – 19(ii) Pedagogy of English II – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • enable the student teachers to
  • develop English Language teaching competency.
  • understand and appreciate the importance of English.
  • have a critical study of learning English as a second language in the multilingual Indian Society.
  • understand the role of English in India and to improve English Language attainment.
  • produce the different methods, techniques and strategies of ELT.
  • Prepare and use appropriate teaching aids to make teaching more effective.
  • develop the various micro skills to teach English language.
  • acquire the skill of preparing lesson plans to teach English.



Course – 19(iv) Pedagogy of Malayalam II – Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • appreciate the role of Malayalam in the society
  • familiarize the IT related professional inputs of teaching.
  • understand the meaning, importance and concept of models of teaching in Malayalam language teaching.
  • Use of Malayalam on Computers
  • Apply phonetics of Malayalam
  • Critical thinking and creative writing
  • Know about action research
  • be a professional Malayalam teacher.
  • acquaint with the co-curricular activities in Malayalam.



Course – 19(ix) Pedagogy of Commerce II– Part 2


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • acquire knowledge of the terms and concepts used in the pedagogical analysis of Commerce and Accountancy;
  • understand lesson planning and evaluation aspects in teaching Commerce and Accountancy;
  • apply the knowledge in analyzing higher secondary Commerce and Accountancy contents in terms of the techniques and aids for the purpose of teaching Commerce and Accountancy;
  • develop skills in the preparation of lesson plan and construction of evaluation tools using the suitable techniques;
  • develop interests in learning recent developments in Commerce and Accountancy, and
  • develop a desirable positive attitude towards the teaching of Commerce and Accountancy


Course – 20(iv) Environmental Education


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • understand the concept of environment, ecology and the problems concerning environment.
  • visualize the importance of environmental education
  • develop the skill of planning and organizing ecological activities in the school.
  • apply different techniques and materials for the effective dissemination of environmental information.
  • sensitize towards conservation of natural resources.
  • enable the students to practice environmental friendly life style.
  • develop positive attitude towards protecting the environment.
  • organise field trips, survey, environmental games and hobbies locally.


Course – 23 c. Yoga, Health & Physical Education


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • create awareness on difference aspects of health and fitness.
  • acquire the knowledge of Yoga & exercises
  • understand the physical fitness & Yoga.
  • learn good health habits.
  • develop total personality and suitable leadership
  • enable student teacher organize physical activities


Course – 24 EPC4: Understanding the Self (½)


At the end of the course, the student teacher will be able to

  • Understand the meaning and importance of self-concept and self-esteem.
  • Be aware of different factors related to self-concepts and self-esteem.
  • Record a brief history of the history of development of yoga through the ages.
  • Discuss how yoga and yoga practices are important for healthy living.
  • Explain some important principles of yoga.
  • Explain the different limbs of Aṣṭañga yoga.
  • State the different types of yoga.
  • Derive how Haṭha yoga and Aṣṭañga yoga are complementary to each other.
  • Name the ṣatkarma and describe their use in cleansing the body and the mind